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- Home
- About Cyotek
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- Cyotek Blog
- A brief look at code analysis with NDepend
- Adding a horizontal scrollbar to a ComboBox using C#
- Adding Double Click support to the ComboBox control
- Adding drag handles to an ImageBox to allow resizing of selection regions
- Adding keyboard accelerators and visual cues to a WinForms control
- Adding Scripting to .NET Applications
- Add Projects Extension -
- Adjusting the Jenkins Content Security Policy
- Aligning Windows Forms custom controls to text baselines using C#
- AngelCode bitmap font parsing using C#
- An introduction to dithering images
- An introduction to using Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) via C#
- Announcing MantisSharp, a .NET client for using the MantisBT REST API
- Arcade explosion generator
- A review of the Argon ONE Raspberry Pi 4 Case
- Arranging items radially around a central point using C#
- Assembly Reference Scanner Sample
- author
- Batch Syntax Highlighting in the DigitalRune Text Editor Control
- Book Review: The C# Helper Top 100
- Book Review: The Ray Tracer Challenge
- Boulder Dash Part 1: Implementing Sprite AI
- Boulder Dash Part 2: Collision Detection
- CanoScan LiDE 100 Windows 10 Compatibility
- Capturing screenshots using C# and p/invoke
- Changes to CrashPlan for Small Business that may affect developer backups
- Checking if your Windows Forms applications are ready for .NET Core 3.0
- CircularBuffer - a first-in, first-out collection of objects using a fixed buffer
- ColorEcho - adding colour to echoed batch text
- ColorPicker Controls Update
- ColorPicker Controls for Windows Forms
- ColorPicker Controls Update
- Committing to a Git repository using custom dates
- Comparing the properties of two objects via Reflection and C#
- Configuring the emulation mode of an Internet Explorer WebBrowser control
- Convert a PDF into a series of images using C# and GhostScript
- Converting 2D arrays to 1D and accessing as either 2D or 1D
- Converting BBCode into HTML using C#
- Converting colours between RGB and CMYK in C#
- Creating a code signing certificate with StartSSL
- Creating a custom ErrorProvider component for use with Windows Forms applications
- Creating a custom single-axis scrolling control in WinForms
- Creating a custom TypeConverter part 1 - getting started
- Creating a custom TypeConverter part 2 - Instance descriptors, expandable properties and standard values
- Creating a custom type converter part 3: Types to string
- Creating a GroupBox containing an image and a custom display rectangle
- Creating a multi-paged container control with design time support
- Creating and restoring bacpac files without using a GUI
- Creating an image viewer in C# Part 5: Selecting part of an image
- Creating an ndrules file for use with NDepend
- Creating a scrollable and zoomable image viewer in C# Part 1
- Creating a scrollable and zoomable image viewer in C# Part 2
- Creating a scrollable and zoomable image viewer in C# Part 3
- Creating a scrollable and zoomable image viewer in C# Part 4
- Creating a trackback handler using C#
- Creating a Windows Forms Label that wraps with C#
- Creating a Windows Forms RadioButton that supports the double click event
- Creating a WYSIWYG font ComboBox using C#
- Creating long running Windows Forms applications without a start-up form
- CSS Syntax Highlighting in the DigitalRune Text Editor Control
- Cyotek Add Projects Extension updated for Visual Studio 2013 RTM
- Cyotek.Drawing.BitmapFont Version 2 Released
- Cyotek Historical Date Library
- Decoding DOOM Picture Files
- Detecting if a given font style exists in C#
- Detecting if an application is running as an elevated process, and spawning a new process using elevated permissions
- Displaying multi-page tiff files using the ImageBox control and C#
- Displaying text in an empty ListBox
- Displaying the contents of a PDF file in an ASP.NET application using GhostScript
- Dithering an image using the Burkes algorithm in C#
- Dithering an image using the Floyd‑Steinberg algorithm in C#
- Dividing up a rectangle based on pairs of points using C#
- Downloading new and changed Azure storage blobs at scheduled intervals
- Dragging items in a ListBox control with visual insertion guides
- Dragging items in a ListView control with visual insertion guides
- Enabling shell styles for the ListView and TreeView controls in C#
- Error 80040154 when trying to use SourceSafe via interop on 64bit Windows
- Error "DEP0001 : Unexpected Error: -1988945902" when deploying to Windows Mobile 10
- Error VSP1048 when trying to instrument assembly created using Visual Studio 2019
- Essential Algorithms - A Book Review
- Even more algorithms for dithering images using C#
- Extending the ImageBox component to display the contents of a PDF file using C#
- Extending the LabelEdit functionality of a TreeView to include validation
- Extracting email addresses from Outlook
- Finding nearest colors using Euclidean distance
- Frustrations of third party software
- FTP Server Easter Eggs
- Generating code using T4 templates
- Getting a window rectangle without the drop shadow
- Getting the hWnd of the edit component within a ComboBox control
- Handling the orientation EXIF tag in images using C#
- Hosting a ColorGrid control in a ToolStrip
- How to be notified when your application is activated and deactivated
- ImageBox update
- ImageBox and TabList update's - virtual mode, pixel grid, bug fixes and more!
- ImageBox update, version
- Implementing events more efficiently in .NET applications
- Importing a SourceSafe database into Subversion
- Initial thoughts on the Adafruit I2S 3W Stereo Speaker Bonnet for Raspberry Pi
- Initial thoughts on the Cooler Master Pi Case 40
- Installing Mopidy and pHAT Beat on a Raspberry Pi
- Installing the URL Rewrite module into Internet Information Services
- Integrating NDepend with Jenkins
- Integrating NDepend with Jenkins Freestyle Jobs
- kbd Markdig Plugin
- Loading Microsoft RIFF Palette (pal) files with C#
- Loading the color palette from a BBM/LBM image file using C#
- Manually writing the byte order mark (BOM) for an encoding into a stream
- Migrating from Azure translation API version 2 to 3
- Migrating from Visual SourceSafe to Subversion
- Snippet: Mime types and file extensions
- MVC actions, AcceptVerbs, HEAD requests and 404 errors
- New option in Visual Studio 2019 keeps console window open after debugging
- Painting animated images using C#
- Painting the borders of a custom control using WM_NCPAINT
- PayPal Account Restored
- PayPal Account Terminated (update: restored)
- Products Blog
- Announcing the Product Blog
- A sneak peak at upcoming features for the color palette editor
- Bug tracking and software updates, or when free software isn't free
- COMODO Certificate Revoked
- Creating preview images from a colour palette
- Dynamic color schemes now available in Palette Editor (+ localization)
- Effect Presets and Image Optimization
- First looks at multiple documents and docking windows
- Forgotten Developments 01 - The Roguelike
- Gif Animator Beta Released
- Gif Animator Beta Released
- Gif Animator and Image Effects
- Gif Animator's new transparency tool
- Identifying genuine Cyotek software
- Introducing CopyTools 2.0
- Introducing Delete Profiles
- Introducing nightly builds
- Introducing WebCopy 1.8
- .NET 4.6 is now required for all Cyotek products
- On Product Feedback
- On WebCopy, Continuous Integration, .NET Framework 4.5 and end of Windows XP support
- Palette Editor 1.6; in and out
- Potential support for localization
- Resizing and cropping, round 1
- srcset attribute support, custom attributes, 300 status support and more
- Status update
- Transforming hyperlinks when copying websites
- Upcoming support for portable settings
- WebCopy released - multiple hosts and proxy server support
- WebCopy 1.4 beta released
- WebCopy 1.5 beta released
- WebCopy 1.7 - local file name generation
- WebCopy 1.7 - tls/ssl invalid certificate handling
- WebCopy 1.7 - web browser authentication
- WebCopy 1.8 - New Project Wizard
- WebCopy 2.0 - Rules and Query Strings
- WebCopy and some welcome form updates
- Website history gallery
- Quick and simple sprite sheet packer source
- Reading Adobe Swatch Exchange (ase) files using C#
- Reading and writing 18-bit RGB VGA Palette (pal) files with C#
- Reading and writing farbfeld images using C#
- Reading cookies from Internet Explorer
- Working with CorelDRAW Palettes part 1, reading .pal files
- Reading DOOM WAD Files
- Reading Photoshop Color Swatch (aco) files using C#
- Redirecting to HTTPS when using IIS behind a load balancer
- Resolving compile error "Interop type cannot be embedded. Use the applicable interface instead"
- Restoring missing Authorization header when using PHP with Apache
- Retrieving font and text metrics using C#
- Rotating an array using C#
- Sending SMS messages with Twilio
- Setting tab stops in a Windows Forms TextBox control
- Simulating Bacterial Chemotaxis
- Specifying custom text when using the LabelEdit functionality of a TreeView
- SQL Woes - Mismatched parameter types in stored procedures
- StartSSL code signing certificates are crippled
- Targeting multiple versions of the .NET Framework from the same project
- Tools we use - 2013 edition
- Tools we use - 2014 edition
- Tools we use - 2015 edition
- Tools we use - 2016 edition
- Tools we use - 2017 edition
- Tools we use - 2018 edition
- Tools we use - 2019 edition
- Tools we use - 2020 edition
- Tools we use - 2021 edition
- Translating text with Azure cognitive services
- Unable to update the EntitySet because it has a DefiningQuery and no element exists in the element to support the current operation.
- Updating AssemblyInfo.cs version information via batch file
- Upgrading a SVN repository using VisualSVN Server
- Upload data to blob storage with Azure Functions
- Using a Jenkins Pipeline to build and publish Nuget packages
- Using alternate descriptions for enumeration members
- Using custom type converters with C# and YamlDotNet, part 1
- Using custom type converters with C# and YamlDotNet, part 2
- Using message filters in Windows Forms applications
- Using parameters with Jenkins pipeline builds
- Using the MantisBT REST API when hosted on IIS
- Using the XmlReader class with C#
- Using XSLT to display an sitemap without using tables
- Visual Studio Extension for adding multiple projects to a solution
- Working around "Cannot use JSX unless the '--jsx' flag is provided." using the TypeScript 1.6 beta
- Working around System.ArgumentException: Only TrueType fonts are supported. This is not a TrueType font
- Working with CorelDRAW Palettes part 2, writing .pal files
- Writing Adobe Swatch Exchange (ase) files using C#
- Writing custom Markdig extensions
- Writing DOOM WAD files
- Writing Microsoft RIFF Palette (pal) files with C#
- Writing Photoshop Color Swatch (aco) files using C#
- Zooming into a fixed point on a ScrollableControl
- Zooming to fit a region in a ScrollableControl
- Contact Us
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- Copyright and Trademarks
- Cyotek CopyTools
- Cyotek Gif Animator
- Cyotek NBT Editor
- Cyotek Color Palette Editor
- Cyotek Sitemap Creator
- Cyotek Slicr
- Cyotek Spriter
- Cyotek WebCopy
- Support this site
- Jewel Rush
- News
- News
- Announcing Cyotek Gif Animator Alpha
- Announcing Cyotek Palette Editor Beta
- Updates to WebCopy and Sitemap Creator Released
- Cyotek CopyTools Released
- Cyotek Sitemap Creator Released
- Cyotek Sitemap Creator Released
- Cyotek Sitemap Creator Released
- Cyotek Sitemap Creator Released
- Cyotek Sitemap Creator Released
- Cyotek Sitemap Creator Released
- Cyotek Sitemap Creator / WebCopy Released
- Cyotek Sitemap Creator Released
- Cyotek Sitemap Creator and Cyotek WebCopy Released
- Cyotek Sitemap Creator Beta Released
- Cyotek Slicr Alpha Released
- Cyotek Slicr Alpha Released
- Cyotek Spriter Released
- Cyotek Spriter Released
- Cyotek Spriter Released
- Cyotek Spriter Released
- Cyotek Spriter Released
- Cyotek Spriter Released
- Cyotek Spriter Released
- Cyotek Spriter Released
- Cyotek Spriter Released
- Cyotek Spriter Released
- Cyotek Spriter Released
- Cyotek WebCopy Released
- Cyotek WebCopy Released
- Cyotek WebCopy Released
- Cyotek WebCopy Released
- Cyotek WebCopy Released
- Cyotek WebCopy Released
- Cyotek WebCopy Released
- Cyotek WebCopy Released
- Cyotek WebCopy Alpha Released
- Updates to WebCopy and Sitemap Creator Released
- Product Update Roundup
- February Product Update Roundup
- Sitemap Creator and WebCopy Released
- Sitemap Creator and WebCopy Released
- Sitemap Creator and WebCopy Released
- Sitemap Creator and WebCopy Released
- Sitemap Creator and WebCopy Released
- Updates to WebCopy and Sitemap Creator Released
- WebCopy Released
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- Cyotek CopyTools
- Cyotek Gif Animator
- Cyotek Palette Editor
- Cyotek Sitemap Creator
- Cyotek Slicr
- Cyotek Spriter
- Cyotek WebCopy
- How can I copy only changed files from a website?
- Trying to crawl a website fails with the error "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host"
- When attempting to open a project, you receive a "An item with the same key has already been added." error
- When copying a website, WebCopy crashes with message "Access to the path 'Global\.net clr networking' is denied."
- When crawling a page, it fails with a "forbidden" error (code 403)
- When crawling a page, it fails with a "method not allowed" error (code 405)
- When crawling a page, it fails with a "origin error" message (code 520)
- When viewing an offline website copied via WebCopy, clicking links displays raw HTML formatting tags
- Why is WebCopy not scanning my site properly?
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