Listed below is the release roadmap for Cyotek Spriter. A full list of outstanding issues can also be found on the known issues page.


  • new
  • assigned
  • resolved
  • closed

Downloads may be available containing resolved issues from nightly builds.


  • [0000515] [Enhancement] Allow opening empty files
  • [0000514] [Enhancement] Add notes field
  • [0000295] [Enhancement] Replace template engine with Liquid
  • [0000512] [Enhancement] Add support for custom fields
  • [0000511] [Enhancement] Improve empty project previews
  • [0000510] [Bug] Removing an image does not remove effect output
  • [0000292] [Enhancement] Improve OOBE for Spriter in relation to OptiPng distribution
  • [0000504] [Enhancement] Add generic profiles for image optimisation
  • [0000499] [Enhancement] Store images in project file
  • [0000502] [Bug] Power of two option is causing output image to be larger than expected
  • [0000016] [Bug] Spriter performance issues
  • [0000449] [Enhancement] Allow to use fixed grid for sprite layout
  • [0000463] [Enhancement] Allow watched folders to be modified
  • [0000505] [Enhancement] Seperate layout generation from settings
  • [0000503] [Enhancement] Replace sample projects due to shutdown of
  • [0000500] [Enhancement] Add binary format
  • [0000498] [Bug] Image numbers always displayed / class names never displayed
  • [0000497] [Bug] Changing layout can cause dynamic effects to disappear from the output


No issues found.


Download current and archived versions of Cyotek Spriter


Minimum Requirements

