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Reading and writing 18-bit RGB VGA Palette (pal) files with C#

18-bit RGB palettes are an old format used by VGA displays of yesteryear (although interestingly Wikipedia states they are still used by many LCD monitors). These palettes use 6-bits for each of the red, green and blue channels and usually allowed a maximum of 256 colours from the 262,144 unique colours available.

Files using this format are usually quite recognisable, having the extension pal and a size of 768 bytes.

You can find examples of these palettes in many old games - files I have tested during the writing of this article came from Command and Conquer, Powermonger, Ultima 4, Stonekeep and Hardcore 4x4. Just to mix things up though, some palettes used 24-bit colour - examples I have tested include StarTopia and (I think) Daggerfall.

An example of loading a 18-bit palette from OpenRA

This article will describe how to read and write 18-bit palette files.

Source Files

As this minor odyssey originally started with a user request to add support for "Westwood" palettes to our software, the example project was created using Command and Conquer palettes.

Three of the sample files in this project (ccursor.pal, jungle.pal and snow.pal) were download from OpenRA. desert.pal came from CnCNet.

As I also own a couple of Red Alert games, I tested this project on palettes extracted from game files using XCC Mixer.

Finally, I also tested on palette files found in various games I have installed as mentioned in the introduction above.

Reading 18-bit palettes

An example of loading an 18-bit palette from Command and Conquer Red Alert II

The code I present in this article is example code and can be optimised in various ways (for example not reading and writing a single byte at a time), however I choose to have the sample code fairly basic to avoid complicating the article. A more optimised version can be found on our GitHub page.

private Color[] _palette;

public void Load(Stream stream)
  int length;

  length = (int)(stream.Length / 3);

  _palette = new Color[length];

  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
    int r;
    int g;
    int b;

    r = stream.ReadByte() << 2;
    g = stream.ReadByte() << 2;
    b = stream.ReadByte() << 2;

    _palette[i] = Color.FromArgb((255 << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b);

Reading the palettes is straight forward - the number of colours present is the size of the file divided by 3. This is normally 768 bytes for a total of 256 colours.

Each colour is then represented by 3 bytes for the red, green and blue channels. As each value is a single byte, there are no endian issues to worry about.

For each byte read, I use bit shifting to move the bits two positions to the left, causing the first two bits to be discarded and the last two set to zero. This converts the value from the 0-63 range to 0-255, which is a lot easier to work with in most editing software. We can then combine the three channels together to get our RGB colour.

In the above code, I'm using the bitwise OR operator along with shifting to combine the three channels values into a single integer value. You could use Color.FromArgb(r, g, b) but then you'd need to manually make sure the r, g, and b values are between 0 and 255. If you open a 24-bit palette using the above code, the shifted values will be too large and will cause Color.FromArgb to throw an exception.

We can now read 18-bit palette files. (I did say it was simple!)

To make this code load 24-bit palettes instead of 18-bit, just remove the bit-shift (<< 2).

Writing 18-bit Palettes

n example of writing an OpenRA palette, showing no differences between the two

Writing an 18-bit palette is the exact reverse of reading. We simply loop through our colours, and write a single byte for each of the 3 supported channels. However, remembering that the 18-bit format uses 6-bits per channel we need to convert our 0-255 range down to 0-63. This is easy enough by shifting the bits right instead of left.

public void Save(Stream stream)
  for (int i = 0; i < _palette.Length; i++)
    Color color;
    byte r;
    byte g;
    byte b;

    color = _palette[i];

    r = (byte)(color.R >> 2);
    g = (byte)(color.G >> 2);
    b = (byte)(color.B >> 2);


To make this code save 24-bit palettes instead of 18-bit, just remove the bit-shift (>> 2).

This will perfectly save existing 18-bit palettes loaded into the program via the code in in the previous section. But what happens if you try and save colours that cover ranges beyond what 18-bit supports? Given there's 16,777,216 unique colours in a 24-bit palette, there's a lot of "missing" colours. Fortunately, the values will be automatically converted to the nearest equivalent and are so close it's quite likely you wouldn't notice any difference.

The screenshots below show examples of converting 24-bit colour palettes into 18-bit - you can see the converted results are very similar. Swatches outlined in black are direct matches, those outlined in red are the ones that don't quite fit - the RGB values displayed on the right hand side of each mismatch show that the difference is +/-3 at worst. It does mean that editing the palettes with software such as our own Palette Editor (which will get 18-bit support in the next version) could mean subtle shifting when converting 24-bit palettes to 18-bit but the output looks almost identical.

An example of converting a 24-bit palette to 18-bit and how the colours differ slightly

Another example of converting a 24-bit palette to 18-bit

Final Thoughts

This is such simple code I was hesitant about writing an article regarding it, however in the end I decided it was worth it as I always assumed these RGB triplet palettes were 24-bit and I have been puzzled in the past opening what I now know to be an 18-bit palette and wondering why it was so dark. Hopefully therefore someone else will find this information useful too.

Loading an 18-bit palette from Powermonger

The usual sample project is available from the links below, and a reusable library can be found on our GitHub page.

Update History

  • 2017-12-26 - First published
  • 2020-11-22 - Updated formatting


Filename Description Version Release Date
  • sha256: 2e31cc54ea412623684856d331851c8b213bc6369629c620a2fc2d44aedae2bd

Sample project for the reading and writing 18-bit RGB VGA Palette (pal) files with C# blog post.

26/12/2017 Download

About The Author


The founder of Cyotek, Richard enjoys creating new blog content for the site. Much more though, he likes to develop programs, and can often found writing reams of code. A long term gamer, he has aspirations in one day creating an epic video game. Until that time, he is mostly content with adding new bugs to WebCopy and the other Cyotek products.

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# Reply

This is a rather simplified way of loading the palettes, though, which has the disadvantage that 0-63 will only scale up to 0-252, rather than 0-255 as it's supposed to. A more accurate method is to multiply the values by 255 and then divide them by 63 when reading, and multiply them by 63 and then divide them by 255 for writing.


Richard Moss

# Reply


Thank you for taking the time to comment! I tested your comment using the original sample application in this article and I think I prefer these results. I shall update the GitHub repository when I have a moment.

Once again, many thanks for taking the time to make this comment.

Richard Moss