A brief article on Exif orientation attributes and how to handle them in your .NET applications.
Entries tagged with 'c#' Articles and information on C# and .NET development topics
A quick article on pulling cookies from Internet Explorer or the WebBrowser control, useful for if you want to make custom HTTP requests reusing cookies from existing sessions
An overview of how to use the IMessageFilter
interface to intercept Windows Messages within your application.
Continuing my investigation into CorelDRAW palettes, this brief article describes how to write .pal files for use with CorelDRAW! 3.0.
I recently picked up a copy of CorelDRAW! 3.0 from eBay. This article covers how to read text-based .PAL colour palettes created by this application.
In my previous articles on reading and writing colours from various palette/swatch formats, I left CMYK conversion as an exercise for the reader and only demonstrated RGB aspects. This article demonstrates how to convert colours in CMYK format to RGB and vice versa.
A short article on adding text to an empty ListBox control.
A somewhat belated post which describes how you can use sed to automatically update version information in AssemblyInfo.cs
files from a batch file.
18-bit RGB palettes are an old format used by VGA displays of yesteryear. These palettes use 6-bits for each of the red, green and blue channels and usually allowed a maximum of 256 colours from the 262,144 unique colours available. This article describes how to read and write 18-bit palette files.
How to store data sent to an Azure Function in blob storage.