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Original Comment


Richard Moss

# Reply


Thanks for taking the time to comment and providing feedback. Glad to hear the scanner still works on the ever evolving (well, devolving in my view, but I digress) versions of Windows. I haven't plugged in my 100 for a while now as I use the 220 for work now (although I managed to scratch the glass which is visible in scans so probably time to get that LiDE 400 I've been eyeballing for a while) nor have I obtained any new devices that I've had to do a fresh Windows install upon.

I have a couple of ancient mac devices but I never tried to scan using them. I thought there were drivers for Mac for the 100, although naturally Twain only. Twain seems much more powerful (WIA seems to limit to 600 DPI despite what the scanner supports) but I haven't tried writing an automatic scanning program with Twain, if it is even possible.

With regards to Canon vs Nikon I have no comment as I've never tried a Nikon :) The first DSLR I bought was a Canon and so too were the next two given "lens lock-in". Of course, now that mirror-less is mainstream all my lenses aren't compatible anyway. Nice racket they have going!

Thanks again for the comment!

Richard Moss