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Download setup-cyowcopy-1.4.0-build-465.exe version (Beta), last updated 14/04/2018 (4.18 MB)

  • md5: c7d8995d3792eaae613fe87381a364b7
  • sha1: ceb1be5f2d730f5a6a7070020d97bcd11a1a51f5
  • sha256: c2541a1196d414543bdbbffbcd5ffb6d20970685a8ebd28f973bfc453b5b693c

This version of WebCopy changes how rules are executed. Existing rules using the Do not allow children to inherit this rule flag may not function correctly, this flag will be removed in subsequent update.


  • The Quick Scan dialog has had a major overhaul to make it usable, if not useful. While currently a work in progress, it now offers the following features [#261]
  • The ability to set a limit on pages per domain during the quick scan
  • A diagram of the scan results is displayed in the dialog using colour coding to show which URI's will be included in a copy, and which will not
  • You can change how you expect the website to be crawled and it will automatically update the diagram to reflect the new setting
  • Using the diagram you can exclude URI's from being crawled, or add excluded domains to be crawled
  • Confirming the dialog no longer resets many settings in your project back to defaults
  • A Rule Checker tool has been added, which takes a given URI and passes it through all rules, allowing you to see which rules are matched and which aren't
  • Added new Stop processing more rules flag. This flag is automatically applied to projects created using older versions of WebCopy
  • List filters previously removed as part of [#65] have now been reinstated
  • List filters now support empty / not empty options


  • The Rules, Forms and Password list editors now share a common base and are now consistent in how to add and edit items
  • You can now re-order rules, forms and passwords in their respective editors by dragging items in the list
  • Rules no longer stop executing after the first match is found, but continue through all rules, allowing for more complex scenarios
  • Rule lists are no longer sorted by default making it easy to see the execution order
  • When calling the CLI to download a single file and the /o argument points to an existing directory, the CLI will generate a filename based on the URI to download [#250]
  • When trying to copy a website, custom expressions are now validated and the copy will not commence if any are invalid
  • The Crawl Content rule flag can now be set independently of the Exclude flag. This finally allows you to create a copy job that will scan an entire website, but only keep files such as images
  • Documentation updates


  • The Reverse and Do not allow children to inherit this rule rule flags are deprecated and will be removed in a future version of WebCopy


  • Redirects with a relative Location header could be incorrectly combined into absolute URI's
  • Empty analytics sessions are no longer transmitted
  • Failure to obtain shell icons should no longer crash the application
  • Loading a diagram didn't update UI state correctly
  • Changing some diagram properties didn't cause the diagram to be updated
  • URI's which had a blank charset attribute in the Content-Type header weren't processed properly
  • Fixed a crash which could occur using the CLI trying to open a file that wasn't a WebCopy project [#253]
  • Reordering rules and forms didn't reflect properly in the user interface
  • Application no longer crashes if there is an issue exporting or copying large diagram images [#262]
  • CLI will no longer attempt to download if the output folder is protected [#249]
  • When using custom xpath expressions, multiple expressions would be incorrectly created if the same attribute was listed multiple times
  • Several more list views have been virtualized [#64, #65]
  • The rule editor no longer tries to convert patterns into URI's
  • Cloning a WebCopy project skipped numerous values
  • The keep alive setting wasn't persisted correctly
  • Fixed an issue where the Quick Scan dialog could crash with a duplicate key error [#251]
  • Failure to generate the website diagram is no longer fatal [#247]
  • Website diagrams are now generated directly from link information, rather than building a sitemap and generating from that - this should reduce memory requirements of creating the diagram [#247]
  • Form and rule lists should now correctly update if their respective contents change
  • The main results list view is now virtual which should resolve all memory issues relating to working with URI lists [#64, #65]
  • The Capture Form tool will no longer crash if there is a problem creating the embedded browser
  • Pressing Escape in the Capture Form tool no longer closes the window

Minimum Requirements