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# Reply

This controll is supercool! Thanks for taking the time and writing the control and articles.

I have one question though. If I click on the control, how can I get the coordinates of the click on the original image?


Richard Moss

# Reply


Thanks for the comment. I was working on a small update to the control, but as I haven't got one of the bugs fixed yet I'll just post the function you need in this comment.

[csharp] public virtual Point PointToImage(Point point) { Rectangle viewport; int x; int y;

  viewport = this.GetImageViewPort();

  if (viewport.Contains(point))
    if (this.AutoScrollPosition != Point.Empty)
      point = new Point(point.X - this.AutoScrollPosition.X, point.Y - this.AutoScrollPosition.Y);

    x = (((int)(point.X / this.ZoomFactor)) - viewport.X) + 1; // Add 1 to both X and Y to so that hovering over 0,0 will not return Point.Empty
    y = (((int)(point.Y / this.ZoomFactor)) - viewport.Y) + 1;
    x = 0; // Return Point.Empty if we couldn't match
    y = 0;

  return new Point(x, y);


Add this to your copy of ImageBox, then call it as you would the PointToClient and PointToScreen methods, for example:

[csharp] private void imageBox_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { Point point;

  point = ((ImageBox)sender).PointToImage(e.Location);

  if (!point.IsEmpty)
    cursorToolStripStatusLabel.Text = point.ToString();
    cursorToolStripStatusLabel.Text = string.Empty;


Note that this function always returns 1 more than the actual point, as Point.Empty returns true for 0,0 and I can't return null for a structure. A bit annoying...

Hope this helps!

Regards; Richard Moss