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# Reply

Hi Richard!

Thank you for your quick answer!

I write a kind of image viewer program with some extra functions. Something like (the great :) ) irfanview, but much smaller project.

Basically I have pictures -e.g.: from a digital camera, or from my phone, around 8-12 megapixel-, and I want to display them, make sure it's fit to the desktop. So if it's bigger, then I need to use the zoomtofit function. If I have 2448x3264 pixel image, and my monitor is 1920x1080 (include window frame, menu, toolbar, status-bar), I end up with 28,49% of zoom.

If the zoom is 28, then I have 3-4 millimeter "frame" around my image. I like to have without it . :) I already solved the problem, based on your guidance. I really thank you for that! :)

However I had to make a little bit more modification to accomplish that (technically I had to replace almost all int to float), so it would be hard to post in the forum. Also I changed selection to mouse right click, because I use left to drag image (or the selected area if any).

Also the zoom with mouse wheel to z+mouse wheel, because I navigate with the mouse, loop in the folder to load images.

If you like to have the imageBox (+imageBoxEx) project with my modifications (based on Cyotek.Windows.Forms.ImageBox +.Demo, +.Design), or pictures over the problem, I more than happy to send you.

Thank you again,
