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Original Comment


tom mariani

# Reply

Just wanted to thank you for the 'tools we use' blog. I really enjoyed reading it, and finding validations for me in my choices of a lot of the same software you're using. Rarely do us pros reveal what implements of magic we use to do the voodoo we do, and explain why. If you have'nt guessed by now, Ive been in the sofware world since my 1st Ti-99 45 years ago, and still love it as much as you sound like you do too. Been mainly a lead MS SQL DBA with the Bigs, i now find myself back in the engeneering facet again as a Senior Azure Cloud Engineer, for better or worse...(Never a dull moment), back to using VSCode over SSIS, and GIT/DevOPS over Team Server, and I too was a WinZIP lover... until they shot themselves in the foot

Well, I hope all the best for all of you, and keep up the good work and blogs, we do appreciate the time and effort and love put into it
