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# Reply

I've been doing this for a long time now and we recently upgraded to Windows 1809. This now blows up webpages in Outlook. Specifying 11001 or 11000 worked fine on Windows 1607. Now in Windows 1809 the pages act as if I opened IE and am going to the specified webpage using capability settings turned on. This naturally gives a garbled page. I'm wondering if there's new values I have to use above 11000. I can't seem to find official MS documention on this.


Richard Moss

# Reply


The documentation is available from here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/general-info/ee330730%28v%3dvs.85%29. It doesn't mention anything about Windows 10, but then it hasn't been updated for years.

I thought Outlook has had its own HTML renderer for many versions now so I'm surprised setting this option for that process would work at all.

Richard Moss



# Reply

For IE11 in WIN10 you need to look at IE minor version as well. In WIN10 minor version is != 0 while in older OS it's 0. If that's the case, you should set 11001 as the emulation version (BrowserEmulationVersion.Version11Edge).