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# Reply

Do NOT use Google Translator or Microsoft Translate to automatically translate user interface. For many languages very often such translations are very poor (difficult to understand or total crap). Use them only as optional feature in your translation tool.

I think it is not a problem if keyboard accelerators are different in translated environment and in oryginal environment. Your algorithm for defining accelerators is good.

You can leave shortcut-keys unchanged. I think it is not problem. We are accustomed to the fact that do shortcuts often not associate with anything.

When you design layout you need to reserve 30% additional space for translations (comparing to English text). Text translated from English to another language often is about 30% longer.


Richard Moss

# Reply


Many thanks for your comment. Cyotek is a very small company and doesn't have budget to hire translators, so automatic translations are the only route open to us at this time. To date, we've had no feedback at all on the quality of the translations in Gif Animator to know how well the automatic translation worked - perhaps once WebCopy gets localization treatment it will be a different story. Then we can fine tune the translations based on any reported errors.

Thank you for the feedback regarding accelerators and hotkeys - I'll keep that in mind :)

As for the space issues, I still need to fix those, but probably by calculating the correct widths as I don't think the 30% rule would cover everything.

Thanks again for the comment!

Regards; Richard Moss