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  • md5: 3ee9967fdf782810e5e943f1b7e319f9
  • sha1: 865279a70fc8634273c37a85ff8a5bffd21087c3
  • sha256: 1a5c1588ba9e8f2390f5f3bd41f0c7f4b8c86feb65c9cf1b460aca49488addfc
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;

// Reading DOOM WAD files

// Writing DOOM WAD files

// Copyright © 2020 Cyotek Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

// This work is licensed under the MIT License.
// See LICENSE.TXT for the full text

// Found this example useful?

namespace Cyotek.Demo
  internal static class FileDialogHelper
    #region Public Methods

    public static string GetFolderName(string description)
      return FileDialogHelper.GetFolderName(description, string.Empty);

    public static string GetFolderName(string description, string selectedPath)
      using (FolderBrowserDialog dialog = new FolderBrowserDialog
        Description = description,
        ShowNewFolderButton = true,
        SelectedPath = selectedPath
        return dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK
          ? dialog.SelectedPath
          : null;

    public static string GetNextFileName(string path, string baseName)
      string fileName;
      string name;
      string ext;
      int index;

      name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(baseName);
      ext = Path.GetExtension(baseName);
      index = 0;

        fileName = Path.Combine(path, string.Format("{0}-{2}{1}", name, ext, index));
      } while (File.Exists(fileName));

      return fileName;

    public static string GetOpenFileName(string title, string filter, string defaultExtension)
      return FileDialogHelper.GetFileName<OpenFileDialog>(title, filter, defaultExtension, string.Empty);

    public static string GetOpenFileName(string title, string filter, string defaultExtension, string defaultFileName)
      return FileDialogHelper.GetFileName<OpenFileDialog>(title, filter, defaultExtension, defaultFileName);

    public static string GetSaveFileName(string title, string filter, string defaultExtension)
      return FileDialogHelper.GetFileName<SaveFileDialog>(title, filter, defaultExtension, string.Empty);

    public static string GetSaveFileName(string title, string filter, string defaultExtension, string defaultFileName)
      return FileDialogHelper.GetFileName<SaveFileDialog>(title, filter, defaultExtension, defaultFileName);

    #endregion Public Methods

    #region Private Methods

    private static string GetFileName<T>(string title, string filter, string defaultExtension, string defaultFileName)
      where T : FileDialog, new()
      using (T dialog = new T
        Title = title,
        DefaultExt = defaultExtension,
        Filter = filter,
        FileName = defaultFileName
        return dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK
          ? dialog.FileName
          : null;

    #endregion Private Methods

