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// Arranging items radially around a central point using C#
// Copyright © 2017 Cyotek Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
// This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
// To view a copy of this license, visit
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
namespace Cyotek.Demo.RadialDiagram
internal sealed class DiagramNode
#region Fields
private Rectangle _bounds;
private List<DiagramNode> _childNodes;
private string _text;
#region Constructors
public DiagramNode()
_childNodes = new List<DiagramNode>();
public DiagramNode(string text)
: this(text, Size.Empty)
{ }
public DiagramNode(string text, Size size)
: this()
_text = text;
_bounds = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, size);
#region Properties
public Rectangle Bounds
get { return _bounds; }
set { _bounds = value; }
public Point Center
get { return new Point(_bounds.Left + _bounds.Width / 2, _bounds.Top + _bounds.Height / 2); }
public List<DiagramNode> ChildNodes
get { return _childNodes; }
set { _childNodes = value; }
public int Height
get { return _bounds.Height; }
public int Left
get { return _bounds.Left; }
public Point Location
get { return _bounds.Location; }
set { _bounds.Location = value; }
public Size Size
get { return _bounds.Size; }
set { _bounds.Size = value; }
public string Text
get { return _text; }
set { _text = value; }
public int Top
get { return _bounds.Top; }
public int Width
get { return _bounds.Width; }
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