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using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
// Simulating Bacterial Chemotaxis
// Copyright © 2020 Cyotek Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
// This work is licensed under the MIT License.
// See LICENSE.TXT for the full text
// Found this example useful?
namespace Cyotek.ChemotaxisSimulation.Renderer
public class GdiSimulationRenderer
#region Private Fields
private static readonly Point[] _attractorShape = new[]
new Point(-2, -1),
new Point(-2, 1),
new Point(-1, 2),
new Point(1, 2),
new Point(2, 1),
new Point(2, -1),
new Point(1, -2),
new Point(-1, -2),
private static readonly Point[] _repellentShape = new[]
new Point(0, -2),
new Point(-2, 0),
new Point(0, 2),
new Point(2, 0),
private static readonly Point[] _strandShape = new[]
new Point(0, 0),
new Point(-1, 1),
new Point(-1, 2),
new Point(0, 3),
new Point(1, 2),
new Point(1, 1)
private readonly Pen _attractorPen;
private readonly Pen _repellentPen;
private readonly Pen _strandPen;
private bool _drawShapes;
private bool _outlinesOnly;
private float _scale;
private bool _showFoodDetectionZone;
private bool _showFoodSources;
private bool _showNoxiousDetectionZone;
private bool _showNoxiousSources;
private bool _showStrands;
private bool _showTails;
private Pen _tailPen;
#endregion Private Fields
#region Public Constructors
public GdiSimulationRenderer()
_scale = 1;
_showFoodDetectionZone = true;
_showStrands = true;
_showFoodSources = true;
_showNoxiousSources = true;
_showNoxiousDetectionZone = true;
_drawShapes = true;
_strandPen = new Pen(Color.DarkGoldenrod)
EndCap = LineCap.Round,
LineJoin = LineJoin.Round,
StartCap = LineCap.Round
_attractorPen = new Pen(Color.SeaGreen)
EndCap = LineCap.Round,
LineJoin = LineJoin.Round,
StartCap = LineCap.Round
_tailPen = new Pen(Color.CornflowerBlue)
EndCap = LineCap.Round,
StartCap = LineCap.Round,
LineJoin = LineJoin.Round
_repellentPen = new Pen(Color.Firebrick);
#endregion Public Constructors
#region Public Properties
public bool DrawShapes
get { return _drawShapes; }
set { _drawShapes = value; }
public bool OutlinesOnly
get { return _outlinesOnly; }
set { _outlinesOnly = value; }
public float Scale
get { return _scale; }
set { _scale = value; }
public bool ShowFoodDetectionZone
get { return _showFoodDetectionZone; }
set { _showFoodDetectionZone = value; }
public bool ShowFoodSources
get { return _showFoodSources; }
set { _showFoodSources = value; }
public bool ShowNoxiousDetectionZone
get { return _showNoxiousDetectionZone; }
set { _showNoxiousDetectionZone = value; }
public bool ShowNoxiousSources
get { return _showNoxiousSources; }
set { _showNoxiousSources = value; }
public bool ShowStrands
get { return _showStrands; }
set { _showStrands = value; }
public bool ShowTails
get { return _showTails; }
set { _showTails = value; }
#endregion Public Properties
#region Public Methods
public void Draw(Simulation simulation, Graphics graphics, Rectangle clip)
graphics.ScaleTransform(_scale, _scale);
graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, simulation.Size));
if (_showFoodSources)
for (int i = 0; i < simulation.Attractors.Count; i++)
this.DrawFood(graphics, clip, simulation.Attractors[i]);
if (_showNoxiousSources)
for (int i = 0; i < simulation.Repellents.Count; i++)
this.DrawNoxious(graphics, clip, simulation.Repellents[i]);
if (_showStrands)
if (_showTails)
for (int i = 0; i < simulation.Strands.Count; i++)
this.DrawStrandTail(graphics, simulation.Strands[i].PreviousPositions);
for (int i = 0; i < simulation.Strands.Count; i++)
this.DrawStrand(graphics, clip, simulation.Strands[i]);
#endregion Public Methods
#region Private Methods
private void DrawChemoeffector(Graphics graphics, Rectangle clip, Chemoeffector chemoeffector, Pen pen, Point[] shape, bool showDetectionZone)
Rectangle bounds;
bounds = new Rectangle(chemoeffector.Position.X - (chemoeffector.Strength / 2), chemoeffector.Position.Y - (chemoeffector.Strength / 2), chemoeffector.Strength, chemoeffector.Strength);
if (this.ShouldRender(clip, bounds))
if (showDetectionZone)
if (_outlinesOnly)
graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, bounds);
using (GraphicsPath ellipsePath = new GraphicsPath())
using (PathGradientBrush brush = new PathGradientBrush(ellipsePath))
brush.CenterPoint = chemoeffector.Position;
brush.CenterColor = Color.FromArgb(128, pen.Color);
brush.SurroundColors = new[] { Color.Transparent };
graphics.FillEllipse(brush, bounds);
if (_drawShapes)
int x;
int y;
GraphicsState state;
x = chemoeffector.Position.X;
y = chemoeffector.Position.Y;
state = graphics.Save();
graphics.TranslateTransform(x, y);
graphics.DrawPolygon(pen, shape);
graphics.DrawLine(pen, new Point(chemoeffector.Position.X - 1, chemoeffector.Position.Y), new Point(chemoeffector.Position.X + 1, chemoeffector.Position.Y));
graphics.DrawLine(pen, new Point(chemoeffector.Position.X, chemoeffector.Position.Y - 1), new Point(chemoeffector.Position.X, chemoeffector.Position.Y + 1));
private void DrawFood(Graphics graphics, Rectangle clip, Chemoeffector food)
this.DrawChemoeffector(graphics, clip, food, _attractorPen, _attractorShape, _showFoodDetectionZone);
private void DrawNoxious(Graphics graphics, Rectangle clip, Chemoeffector noxious)
this.DrawChemoeffector(graphics, clip, noxious, _repellentPen, _repellentShape, _showNoxiousDetectionZone);
private void DrawSection(Graphics g, PointBuffer points, int start, int length)
if (length > 1) // DrawLines crashes if there isn't at least two points
Point[] _buffer;
_buffer = ArrayPool<Point>.Shared.Allocate(length);
points.CopyTo(start, _buffer, 0, length);
g.DrawLines(_tailPen, _buffer);
private void DrawStrand(Graphics graphics, Rectangle clip, Strand strand)
int x;
int y;
x = strand.Position.X;
y = strand.Position.Y;
if (this.ShouldRender(clip, x, y))
if (_drawShapes)
GraphicsState state;
state = graphics.Save();
graphics.TranslateTransform(x, y);
graphics.DrawPolygon(_strandPen, _strandShape);
graphics.DrawLine(_strandPen, new Point(strand.Position.X - 1, strand.Position.Y - 1), new Point(strand.Position.X + 1, strand.Position.Y + 1));
graphics.DrawLine(_strandPen, new Point(strand.Position.X - 1, strand.Position.Y + 1), new Point(strand.Position.X + 1, strand.Position.Y - 1));
private void DrawStrandTail(Graphics g, PointBuffer points)
if (points.Size > 1)
// don't do this!
//g.DrawLines(_bodyPen, points.ToArray());
if (!this.HasSplitResults(points))
Point[] _buffer;
// this isn't great, but as Graphics.DrawLines
// isn't enlightened enough to take a start and length,
// we copy the buffer out of the CircularBuffer into an
// existing byte array so in theory we aren't allocating
// an array over and over again
_buffer = ArrayPool<Point>.Shared.Allocate(points.Size);
g.DrawLines(_tailPen, _buffer);
int start;
Point previous;
Point current;
// if we've wrapped the playing field, I can't just
// call DrawLines with the entire buffer as we'll get
// lines drawn across the entire playing field, so
// instead I need to break it down into smaller buffers
start = 0;
previous = points.PeekAt(0);
for (int i = 1; i < points.Size; i++)
current = points.PeekAt(i);
if (Geometry.GetDistance(previous, current) > 1)
// here we have a split, so let us grab a subset of
// the buffer and draw our lines
this.DrawSection(g, points, start, i - start);
start = i;
previous = current;
if (start < points.Size)
this.DrawSection(g, points, start, points.Size - start);
private bool HasSplitResults(PointBuffer _snakeBody)
bool result;
result = false;
for (int i = 1; i < _snakeBody.Size; i++)
if (Geometry.GetDistance(_snakeBody.PeekAt(i - 1), _snakeBody.PeekAt(i)) > 1)
result = true;
return result;
private bool ShouldRender(Rectangle clip, Rectangle bounds)
int x;
int y;
int w;
int h;
Rectangle newBounds;
x = Convert.ToInt32(bounds.X * _scale);
y = Convert.ToInt32(bounds.Y * _scale);
w = Convert.ToInt32(bounds.Width * _scale);
h = Convert.ToInt32(bounds.Height * _scale);
newBounds = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);
return clip.IntersectsWith(newBounds);
private bool ShouldRender(Rectangle clip, int x, int y)
x = Convert.ToInt32(x * _scale);
y = Convert.ToInt32(y * _scale);
return clip.Contains(x, y);
#endregion Private Methods
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