Download setup-cyowcopy- version, last updated 18/08/2023 (4.03 MB)

  • md5: b03c4801ff56630d59b73cadfab0f2c0
  • sha1: c0dfe87b6beb1bbac90c8cc0d426eac5db3ab432
  • sha256: 8b5dfdce50f95a26dea849aacc355efae459cbb2360de19fcf1a33b266f8cce0

Due to changes in how WebCopy determines whether or not to process a given URL there could be differences with how WebCopy 1.9 works against previous versions. Please report any inconsistencies to us!


  • Added the ability to read cookies from an external file (#461) (User Manual)
  • Added the ability to read cookies from an external file (#462) (User Manual)
  • Test URL dialogue now allows configuring cookies
  • Added cookie, cookie-jar and discard-session-cookies command line parameters (User Manual)
  • Added support for the legacy compress (#472) and non-standard BZip2 (#473) content encodings (User Manual)


  • Documentation improvements (#400, #443, #461, #462, #482, untracked)
  • Test URL dialogue now uses load on demand for settings pages
  • 401 challenges no longer display credential dialogues unless the authentication type is either Basic or Digest as no other values have been tested due to lack of resource
  • Updated mime database


  • Posting a form did not set an appropriate content type (#437)
  • Custom headers were not applied when posting forms (#436)
  • If a URL was previously skipped but then included in future scans, the original skip reason could be retained
  • A blank error message was displayed for Brotli decompression errors (#447)
  • One-time project validation checks were ignoring the content encoding settings of the project (which by default is Gzip and Deflate) and were requesting content with Brotli compression (#446)
  • Brotli decompression could fail with streams larger than 65535 bytes (#448)
  • The URI transformation service incorrectly attempted to add prefixes to email addresses, this in turn caused a crash if the mailto: reference was malformed (#450)
  • A crash could occur if a content type header was malformed and was either utf or utf- (#450)
  • Fixed an issue where command line arguments sometimes didn't correctly process ambiguous relative arguments that could be a file name or a unqualified URI (#441). As a result of this fix, all URIs provided to command lines must be fully qualified, e.g. over
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when switching between empty virtual list views during a crawl and items were then subsequently added (#460)
  • A crash which could occur when loading localised text is no longer fatal (#465). Note that we haven't been able to reproduce this, so if you previously received a crash after setting a language other than English, please email
  • Speed and estimated downtime time calculations were incorrect and could cause a crash when downloading large files (#466)
  • A crash would occur when editing a file that didn't have a mime type (#468)
  • Speculative fix for a crash that could occur when finishing the New Project Wizard (#467)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred if a 401 challenge was received and the www-authenticate header was a bare type (#469)
  • If a website returns a non-standard Content-Encoding value (or one currently not supported by WebCopy), no attempt will be made to decompress the file and it will be downloaded as-is. A new setting has been added to disable this behaviour, but is currently not exposed (#471)
  • Crashes that occurred when applying project validation corrections (for example if the base URL redirects, WebCopy will prompt to use the redirect version) were fatal (#474)
  • Trying to save a CSV export with a relative filename crashed (#475)
  • The quick scan diagram view could crash if invalid host names were detected (#476). This is another bug reported without context, if any user has previously experienced this please email
  • The "Limit distance from base URL" setting now only applies to URLs that have a content type of text/html, e.g. it will prevent deep scanning whilst still allowing retrieval of all linked resources (#464)
  • URLs that had exclusion rules would still get requested depending on the combination of project settings (#481)
  • The CLI would crash if the recursive and output parameters were defined, and the specified output directory did not exist (#483)
  • Client is no longer marked as dpi-aware, which should resolve pretty much all the problems with the application not displaying correctly on high DPI screens. This is an interim fix until dpi-awareness can be properly introduced.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to query if the scan above root setting should be abled and an invalid URI was project (#493)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the scan/download progress dialog was closed (#454)
  • The Export CSV dialog wasn't localised correctly, resulting in seemingly two Cancel buttons (#495)


  • The PDF meta data provider has been removed

Minimum Requirements