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Download setup-cyowcopy-1.1.2-build-203.exe version (Beta), last updated 24/07/2016 (4.13 MB)

  • md5: 6433d6d653ab767e42aac0cfff4098ca
  • sha1: cf4a3eb7a5f8a4d0171453188863b8f42e043e91
  • sha256: d1bf79922ccc7bf7d8f81d3251e4c60461446c7b5418f018a36680256874cc7b


  • The original Include Subdomains option has been replaced with a new set of more comprehensive options, allowing for copying of sibling domains, linked resources, or everything
  • Added a new Download all resources option. When set, WebCopy will download any non-HTML linked resource, regardless of source domain. If the file would normally be excluded, it will only be downloaded, not crawled
  • Although the UI editor for additional hosts stated regular expressions could be used, this was never implemented. Regular expressions can now be used with additional hosts
  • Added a new Sitemap plugin that will generate a simple HTML sitemap of all downloaded files
  • Added a new Cookie Viewer plugin that allows a global view of cookies created during a crawl
  • Added native support for the picture element
  • The Capture Form window now remembers it's size and position
  • Added an address bar to the Capture Form tool to allow access to hidden login URI's, or for any other type of manual navigation
  • Added a Scan button to the Capture Form tool allowing a manual scan for forms in the page if WebCopy failed to detect them initially
  • The maximum redirect chain length setting can now be configured from the Advanced options group
  • Added a new option to control if external redirects should also be followed
  • Added support for the brotli compression algorithm
  • Added a new option to control if the results list should automatically scroll to show the active item while performing a website scan


  • Now requires Microsoft .NET 4.6
  • When following redirects after posting form data, all built in skip rules are ignored, so if a post to one site directs to another to complete the post, WebCopy will now always follow the redirect
  • The Create Desktop Icon option in setup is no longer checked by default
  • The Test URL dialog now uses the proxy settings of the currently open project
  • The Website Links dialog has been slightly redesigned to prevent a crash when working with projects containing many thousands of links
  • Information dialogs accessed from list views now display the selected context in an easier to read format than plain CSV
  • The default maximum redirect chain length has been increased from 5 to 25
  • HTTP Compression options have been removed from the Advanced options group into their own dedicated group
  • Options for processing redirects have been removed from the Advanced options group into their own dedicated group
  • Minor performance improvements
  • Minor optimizations to reduce memory load


  • Removed the setup option for creating a Quick Launch icon
  • Removed support for opening legacy XML based WebCopy projects
  • Due to offline help always being outdated due to the general weakness of the product manuals, the offline help files are no longer included in the setup, and requesting help will always display the online version


  • Problems loading or saving the user agent store should no longer be fatal
  • Some dialogs only supported local help requests and were unable to show help if the local help file was not available
  • Fixed a crash that occurred downloading a file if the Content-Encoding header of the HTTP response was set to identity
  • Fixed a memory leak in the sitemap component
  • A number of HTML 5 specific tags were listed as Unknown in crawl result list views
  • The UI now correctly reports if part of a crawl was aborted due to too many redirects
  • Crawling the same project multiple times in succession reused the cookies from the preview crawl
  • Trying to call wcopy.exe with just the file name of an existing WebCopy project always displayed a message about unsupported protocols and refused to continue
  • Fixed an unauthorized access crash that could occur when using the Capture Form tool (regression)
  • Fixed an issue where external links could appear in some lists even when filtering options were set to exclude them
  • Fixed a number of issues which prevented automatically logging into websites where the post URI was different to the get URI and value merging was required, or the post returned 302 and the new location must be read to complete the login
  • Fixed an issue where occasionally the Capture Form tool didn't refresh available forms after navigating to a page
  • Fixed an issue where refreshing a page in the Capture Form tool didn't
  • The CLI tool no longer incorrectly reports failures to download a single file as an application exception
  • The CLI tool now correctly outputs the reason why a given URI failed when performing recursive downloading
  • The Capture Form tool now correctly detects forms that are contained within frames
  • Export to CSV option featured when context clicking some list views didn't correctly escape the CSV
  • Fixed an issue where the entire application was terminated if CSV export failed
  • Fixed an issue where URI's that were both invalid and very long could crash WebCopy
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when attempting to remap a CSS file
  • Fixed an issue where URI segments containing spaces (or other encoded characters) weren't correctly decoded when generating local folder names

Minimum Requirements