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Styling with Markdown is supported

Original Comment


Richard Moss

# Reply


Many thanks for the link. I stopped using Graphics.DrawString myself some time ago (either using TextRenderer or using DrawText, DrawTextEx and TextOut directly). I wasn't aware that GDI+ didn't support some fonts properly, I stopped using it because it looks bloody awful and has no consistency with the rest of the OS :)

Regards; Richard Moss



# Reply

Do you have any example code on how to actually use this combo box in a C# Windows Forms project?


Richard Moss

# Reply

No, I didn't do a sample for this project. Think of it as a list of font names, just drawn prettier. It doesn't handle creation of fonts for you, it's purpose was to allow the selection of a font name in conjunction with other controls for selecting styles, size etc. The Items collection holds all those names, so you can use SelectedItem to return the selected name and so on.

Richard Moss